Scenery Greenland - Narsarsuaq ------- for FS5.1 CDROM by Carsten Brettschneider, 1995. I have tested it with FS 5.1 CDROM and a 486 66. It should run even if you don't have CDROM (but then without dynamic scenery ). --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- IFR-Approach beween icy Mountains ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Use this Airport - it's more like a Airstrip - for refuelling and repairs or in emergency cases. This scenery is for all who have to ferry Planes over the atlantic or for emergency cases with the DC9. You know, the DC9 is not ETOPS rated. Location --------------------------------------------------------------------- N61:09:20 W045:27:00 Due to problems with the default FS5.1 CD-ROM the location of the airport is transferred by a few seconds to the WEST. Communication --------------------------------------------------------------------- AFIS Narsarsuaq - 118.10 Julianehab Radio - 121.30 Emergency frequence - 121.50 Airport Navigation equipment. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DME 111.85 NQ NARSARSUAQ NDB 359 NA NARSARSUAQ Procedures: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Approach and Landings only with visual conditions of ceiling at least 4000' and visibility 8000 m. First you have to perform IFR approach. Attention: Steep approach path of 5,6° from Desision Point. At D4.0 to DME NQ final approach under visual conditions. Approach to Narsarsuaq is not controlled. About Narsarsuaq --------------------------------------------------------------------- Narsarsuaq means "wet bag" and is located in the south of Greenland. This former allied Base BW-1 was almost forgotten. But in the last years there is more interest in this airstrip. Big jets are now able to use it after Installation of a DME. So, it is used as emergency airstrip for ETOPS rated planes. It is a tricky approach. No ILS available because of surrounding hills. The interesting thing is, that the geometric direction of the runway is 44° degree. But you have to fly with heading 77° to RWY08. That means the geographic direction of the Airstrip is 44°, add the variation of 33°WEST and you get the magnetic course 77°. INSTALLATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- This package consists of the following files: nar_doc.txt > You are reading it ! Copy all *.bgl-files to your SCENERY-directory of FS 5.1 Copy all *.nar files to your TEXTURE-directory Now run FS5, choose GREENLAND Narsarsuaq from the Airport menu directory. Be sure to have bad weather conditions due to more realism. SCENERY COVERAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't look too far, this scenery covers only the airstrip and surrounding hills. I had no picture material about Narsarsuaq, so the visual scenery is fiction. The scenery is mainly based on a Jeppesen chart. So please excuse me for some mistakes in design. Credits --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Scenery Narsarsuaq is compiled with the fantastic Scenery compiler SCASM 1.4 by Manfred Moldenhauer. Many thanks for all who programmed the great Scenery tools. Thanks to Frank Nix Thanks to Andras Kozma Thanks to the german "Fliegermagazin" for all the interesting articles. If you got any comments don't hesitate to send them to me at : CompuServe 75337,1313 --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Any commercial us or distibution prohibited ! ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------